
Friday, May 25, 2018

Click'd (Spoiler Free) Review

Click'dTitle: Click'd
Author: Tamara Ireland Stone
Series: Click'd #1
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Date Read: 3/31/18

Click'd is the book I needed at the moment which is probably why I enjoyed it so much. I need a easy read that was short and this book was just that. I read Every Last Word last year by the same author and I loved it so much. When I first head about Click'd I knew I had to read it because the concept sounded so cool and I am glad I did.

This is a middle grade book following a girl name Allie who is a 7th grader and is really interested in coding and quite good at it. During a summer camp called Code Girls, she creates this app called Click'd. The app helps connect two people with common interests together. Her app becomes viral in her school and then she notices a glitch she has to fix before the coding competition in order to beat her rival.

I am actually planning on studying computer science at the moment and I loved seeing the pros and cons of coding and it helped give me an insight on some problems I would face in the real world when it comes to code.

I do want to say that this book has a very important friendship element. I love that Allie has a great group of friends and that her parents are present in the book. I know. No romance to which was a refresher. It is a middle grade which could contribute to the no romance but still.

Even though this book focuses on Allie trying to fix the glitch in her app, she still does other things like play soccer in her free time.

Overall I do think this is an underrated book and more people should read this. Tamara Ireland Stone is quickly becoming one of my all time favorite authors.

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Friday, May 18, 2018

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight (Spoiler Free) Review

The Statistical Probability of Love at First SightTitle: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight
Author:Jennifer E. Smith
My rating: 1/5 stars
Date Read: 3/18/18

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight was a book I really wanted to love. I went into this book with low expectations and still somehow did not like it.

I wanted to read a cute contemporary book and I thought this one was it. I read Jennifer E. Smith's other book This is What Happy Looks like and really enjoyed it. This one though was not for me. The story had so much potential and it ultimately let me down. I rarely give books one star because I usually DNF it before I finish it but this one was short so I ended up pushing through it. I actually skim read the second half.

This book follows a girl name Hadley who misses her flight to London by four minutes. She is on her way to her father's wedding. Hadley does not have a great relationship with her father and has never met her soon to be step mother. At the airport she meets a guy who sits in her row on the plane. They talk and eventually go there separate ways. It sounds like and is a classic contemporary. Yep instalove is back but you can kind of tell by the title.

Despite knowing that there was going to be instalove in this book, I still did not care about the love interest or the "romance." In my opinion, the love interest and Hadley had zero chemistry. I am not going to lie, instalove is not bad if done right.

The one thing that annoyed me the most was actually the writing style. This book is told in third person in present tense. This particular writing style is extremely hard for me to get into. It also made the story awkward in certain point. As soon as I started the book, I already knew this read was going to be eh because of the writing. If you read Three Dark Crowns by Kendre Blake and do not like the writing style and it affected you enjoyment of that book, do not read this one, you will have the same problem. At least I did. Would I enjoy this book more if the writing style was different and I honestly think so.

Hadley was not perfect which is one thing I did appreciate. She had flaws. Her family is not perfect but both of her parents, though separated, still love her and care for her.

Overall did not like it and it was not for me.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Perks of Being A Wallflower (Spoiler Free) Review

The Perks of Being a WallflowerTitle: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Author: Stephen Chbosky
My rating: 4/5 stars
Date Read: 3/14/18

I heard so many great things about The Perks of Being a Wallflower and everyone seems to love it. I am currently a sophomore in high school and because this books takes place in the 1990's there are some differences. One of them being phone calls. People these days at school text and all have phones. here they use landlines.

Going into this book it is important to know that the entire book is told in letters Charlie is writing. Due to the format of the book, it may not be for everyone. I found that way the book was written and Charlie's narration through the letters was my favorite thing about the book. Charlie is not perfect. He has his ups and downs in his life and it is very realistic. He has his flaws and his strengths and grows as a person throughout the year.

So basically I went into this book knowing nothing else about it and I found that it was the best way for me to enjoy these books. I felt as if I was the person Charlie was writing to. It was as if he was my pen pal but it is only one way. I enjoyed learning his story through his letters and I really liked how honest they were.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a very short book. I read the ebook version of it so the page count is kind of funky, but I think it is slightly over 200 pages. I flew through this book not because it was short, but because I wanted to know Charlie's entire story, at least about his freshman year. He had so much to tell.

Family and friends play a very important role in this book. Yes the family exists in this book. It also has some important themes throughout. And also school. Homework exist in this book. Most books I read before that take place in a school setting never talk about the work we get outside of school. Though it is mostly about the English work Charlie gets, homework exists!

Overall I am so happy to say that I enjoy this book and to say I read it. I have not seen the movie yet but now really want to. I do recommend it and I really want a sequel. Like I want to know what happens in Charlie's life next.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Daughter of Smoke and Bone Spoiler Free Review

Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #1)Title: Daughter of Smoke & Bone
Author: Laini Taylor
Series: Daughter of Smoke and Bone #1
My rating: 4/5 stars
Date read: 3/9/18

I have no idea what to rate this book at the moment. I want to give the first 320 pages 5 stars. The last 100 pages 3 stars. So I will just have to give it 4 for now.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone is one of the top ten books I want to read in 2018. I heard such great things about Lani Taylor's books and I heard her writing was phenomenal so naturally I wanted to read something she wrote.

Despite hearing about this book often, I actually had no clue what the book was about before I read it. Because of this I was a tad confused in the beginning of the story but I was very interested at the same time.

This book is about a girl name Karou who is an art student. She is a very talented artist and her sketchbook is filled with drawings of mythical creatures and monsters. She also constantly disappears running errands, and her hair is actually blue. In this world there are also weird burnt hand prints and strange winged creatures flying about.

I had high expectation but not extremely high expectations when going into this book. I was very surprised to find that my expectations were met in the first 300 pages of the book. It was interesting, the writing was gorgeous and I wanted to know what was going to happen next. The last 100 pages to me though were kind of boring but once in a while I would become very interested in the story again.

I really liked Karou the main character but my favorite character is probably Zuzana. I just really like her. She is cares about Karou and wants to make sure she is okay when she is troubled situations. In general she is such a good friend to Karou and I hope to see her more in the future books.

Overall I really did enjoy this book and would recommend it. I will also be continuing on with this series in the future because I want to finish this trilogy before reading Strange the Dreamer.

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