Title: The Cruel Prince
Author: Holly Black
Series: The Folk of the Air #1
My rating: 4.5/5 stars
Date Read: 3/3/18
I have been seeing the Cruel Prince all over all social media platforms I use so I decided to finally pick it up. I chose to read The Darkest Part of the Forest first which is also by Holly Black and I would recommend it. There are some cameos. I did enjoy this book a lot more than that book though.
The Cruel Prince is told in first person and we follow the point of view of Jude. She is a mortal, has a twin sister, and a sister who is fae. She witnesses her parents murder when she was young and was raised by their murderer in the fae world. We follow Jude several years later and she still is living in the fae relm. She does not fit in with the fae and due to her being mortal, many of them despise her.
The second half of the book was definitely better than the first. The beginning was slow but since this is a first book in a series, duology, trilogy, I honestly have no clue, it is understandable since it takes time to develop the world and characters. The world though is my favorite aspect of the story. I loved it so much and it was so cool and different from the faerie world we are use to.
The characters are not my favorite characters in the world but they are interesting to read about. I think they are suppose to be unlikable because I found many of them unlikable characters but I do want to know what happens to them as the series or whatever this is, goes on.
I was very invested in the story especially in the second half. I could not put the book down because I had to know what was going to happen next. So many things happen that you want to know what is going to go on next.
Overall I highly recommend The Cruel Prince. I would recommend for the people who go into hyped books with extremely high expectations to wait for the hype to die down a bit before reading because the hype will probably impact your enjoyment of the book. I will be sure to read the sequel and I absolutely love this book.
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