Monday, September 24, 2018

Save the Date (Spoiler FREE) Review

Save the DateTitle: Save the Date
Author: Morgan Matson
My rating: 4.5/5 stars
Date Read: 8/21/18

Do I want to give this book 4 stars or 4.5 stars? I have no idea but I am rounding up for now since I really enjoyed it.

Save the Date has been one of my most anticipated releases of the year and Morgan Matson is one of my favorite contemporary authors. I finally read the book and I am so happy I did read it during the summer since it is the perfect summer read. In fact, all of Morgan Matson's books are perfect summer reads. Just a heads up, I would recommend reading her books in publication order because some characters from her previous books make cameos is her future books.

Save the Date follows Charlie Grant, the youngest child in the Grant family. Her older sister Linnie is getting married and Charlie could not of been happier. Her siblings would be coming home and all be together for the first time and Charlie is determined to make it the perfect weekend as the house that they grew up in has been sold and everything is about to change. The perfect weekend not so much. Leading up to the wedding there are lots of disasters and unlucky things that happen.

When I was reading this book I wished that something would go right because everything was going wrong and I felt so bad for the family. It was stressful at times to because you just want something to go right and gah. But I loved it and the book still made me smile.

I really like how in this book Charlie learns that change is okay and can be good. It is okay to want things to stay the same, but sometimes you have to accept that things cannot always be the same and it is not the end of the world because good things also come with change.

Jesse Foster is a completely unnecessary character in this book and if there is one character I could get rid of, it would be him. I felt like he did not need to be in the story and the story would work with or without him.

I NEVER say this because I rarely watch book to screen adaptations these days, but I feel like this would make the perfect movie. It would be a cute and funny and I feel like I would love it in the form of a movie as well. Who am I saying this because I rarely watch book to screen adaptations these days.

One thing I love about this book is the family aspect of the story and how family played the most important role in it.

Overall I would highly recommend this book. It was cute fluffy, not really romantic (I mean it is a little, someone is getting married) and funny and I loved it so much!

View all my reviews

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