Title:A Court of Wings and Ruin
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Series: A Court of Thorns and Roses #3
My rating: 4.5/5 stars
Date Read: 2/13/17
ACOWAR is the third book and kind of the final book in the first half of the ACOTAR series. There is a novella coming out about the events after this book following Feyre and Rhysand. From what I've heard the second half of the series follows different characters from a different court.
I was going to marathon all three books that were out last year but I finished ACOMAF the day before Lord of Shadows and was torn between reading that book or this one. I ultimately and obviously ended up reading Lord of Shadows which is a good thing because it allowed me to enjoy ACOWAR more. It is also one of my top 10 books I want to read this year.
This book took me over a week to read. I was not reading as much due to the amount of school work I had but I did still enjoy it a lot. I also found the beginning of the story very slow. Nothing was happening. In fact most of the third book is build up for the epic ending. That ending was phenomenal however a little too convenient for some things. (See spoiler section)
What kept me interested during most of the book was the characters and the fact that we get a glimpse of other characters from other courts. I found it so interesting to see the differences between each court.
The characters were so good and I loved most of them. I mean I still hate Tamlin but not as much as I did in the first one TBH. Still not liking him much. Cassian is my favorite followed by Aziel when talking about characters. In fact Rhysand is actually not that swoon worthy to me and he is not one of my favorite characters in the book but I still liked him. Also Nesta is amazing. I was not a fan of Nesta in books 1 and 2 but in this book, she is freaking amazing.
Okay spoiler time. All my other spoilery thoughts in bullet points because it is faster than writing them in paragraph form.
- NESSIAN. I think I like Nessian more than Feysand. Unpopular opinion I know.
-Also Nesta is the one to kill Hybern was a twist I did not predict till a few pages before it happened.
- Does Elain like Azriel or Lucian or neither?
-The next book (the one after ACOFAS) may about the Day Court or Autumn Court.
- Reasons
1) Day Court is Night Courts closest ally.
2) Helion Lucian's dad?! I mean Feyre thinks so and she has evidence to why she thinks that.
- Ending too convenient- I mean why revive Rhysand and leave all the others dead in the field. I mean a little biased on who they save.
- Nesta finally admits she has feelings for Cassian.
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